Friday, December 12, 2008


Our son Trevor is a pretty cool little guy. He has such a great sense of humor and a really wonderful outlook on the way things are versus the way they should be. Here are some Trevorisms...

  • He has always called a plug- a pluggell (not sure why, but when we correct him, we are told that we are wrong so we just gave up and every one calls it a pluggell)
  • The other day Trevor and Aliza were sitting on the couch. For some reason she needed to readjust her position. In doing so she climbed over him and accidentally stepped on him. He proclaimed very matter of fact, "Aliza, that's not nice, you just stepped on my tentacles."
  • Last Easter were were watching the kids delve into their Easter baskets. They were really enjoying themselves and we were enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. Trevor comes to Tom and I and wraps his arms around our necks from behind. He pulls our heads towards him, and says, "What are you fu**ers doing?" Did we really just hear him say that? We had to ask him again what he had just said. Yes, he said what we heard. Although not at all appropriate, this was very funny.
  • One day we were talking about my teeth and how I did not want him to get cavities like I had, and that he needed to brush his teeth well so that he may keep his teeth beautiful. Trevor began to cry and told me that he thought even though I had cavities, I still had beautiful teeth. I was amazed by his insight and sensitivity for my feelings.

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